Sunday, May 12, 2013

Georgia Trip Part 2

Mark was home on the weekend and we all went hiking. Another beautiful day. The kids again walked hand in hand all over the mountain, threw sticks and rocks in the very high water, examined bugs and fought over walking sticks. We had a lovely picnic just before it started to rain and made it back to the car in perfect time.

As the weekend went on the kids seemed to have a harder time getting along. Daniel loved (loves) Sienna and I think she took to him okay but Ella kept losing her ability to stay calm and Daniel didn't help the situation - he likes to tease. Leo pushed Abby down the stairs and Abby was so excited about Sienna that Sienna learned to be afraid of her and would cry every time Abby came near. It was all I could do to keep my eyes on Abigail to make sure she stayed away from the baby and didn't love her to death.

Daniel and a very happy Sienna.
Bug watching.

I didn't realize that we would be away for Mothers' Day. Jason didn't forget. He sent these flowers, a box of chocolates, and chocolate covered strawberries to let me know how much he appreciates me! 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Georgia Visit Part 1

 Kat took the kids to Georgia to see Sharon and her kids.  I don't remember why - perhaps it was because Mark was in Thailand or something like that and we needed to get away from home for awhile.

We took the kids to the Atlanta Zoo the first day and enjoyed wonderful weather and great comradery (for a few hours) between the kids.

Cousins zoned out. A glimpse into their teenage years?
Lazy Mere-cats acting similar to our kids (minus the pee and butt sniffing)

Climbing the vines.

 This sweet hand in hand fun wore off when Ella found a second map and Daniel lost his. Now Daniel had no map and Ella had two that she was very much not willing to share. Tired kids got grumpy and Daniel started crying about Ella not sharing and Ella started screaming that Daniel wanted her map. It was the type of argument that only two tired 4 year olds can have.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Parks in May

We had a MOPs play date at Friendship Park so the kids got to play with their friends rather than just each other for a change!  It is hard being so far from everyone.

Steph plans on taking her kids to Hershey Park about once a week and if it works with our schedule, we'll try to join them.  The boys have so much fun together and they even do a good job of keeping Abigail happy for a longer time!

I wonder what they are talking about. . .