Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Walking? What do you think

Monday afternoon I thought Daniel took an unassisted step or two towards me. Today I saw it a few more times and made Jason observe. Jason doesn't agree that this is really walking but what else could it be? You be the judge:


  1. Earliest stages of walking - but he's not far from walking across the room to you!

  2. This is a really good start. He will be doing it by himself soon I think. I never really considered the passing between two parents, or even walking along a wall really walking though. It wasn't until Carmella was able to stand up all by herself without an assist at all and walk several steps till I wrote it down in the baby book as walking. But he for sure has taken his first steps!! Way to go Daniel. And he seems so excited about it too. Such fun. Enjoy and watch out, because as soon as the walking starts, man you have to be on your A game all the time.

  3. That's definitely walking. His first steps!!! Such a wonderful time.

  4. I'm going to go with a step plus controlled falling. Walking (and subsequently running) are in your very near future. Hope you've been working out.

